Magazine Advertising
Canadian Vet Practice gets your advertising in front of your target audience — Canadian veterinary professionals!
• TARGETED READERSHIP: Get your advertisement in front of your target audience – Canadian veterinarians!
• REACH: Canadian Vet is distributed to veterinarians in every province and territory in Canada.
• INTERESTING EDITORIAL: Veterinarians tell us they read every issue cover to cover!
• TRUST: Canadian Vet is guided by an esteemed Advisory Board of Canadian veterinarians.
• RESPECT OF THE VETERINARY COMMUNITY: A credible source of continuous learning for veterinarians since 2006.
• FREQUENCY: Canadian Vet is distributed bi-monthly to veterinary practices.
• ACCURACY: All editorial is reviewed and approved prior to publication.
• SCOPE: Canadian Vet is read by companion, mixed practice, and large animal veterinarians.
• EXTRA EXPOSURE: Advertisers receive a free sponsor logo in Canadian Vet Link, our monthly e-newsletter for veterinarians and their animal health teams!
Canadian Vet Practice newsmagazine media planner 2021
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Website Advertising
Generate additional awareness of your company or products and show your support of the Canadian veterinary community with a banner ad on our website! A great way to generate additional exposure and link veterinarians to your own websites!
Custom E-blasts can support product marketing and new product launch efforts by sending a customized and timely product launch announcement directly to the inbox of the qualified target audience of veterinary professionals.
These exclusive content E-blasts are sent to all vets and techs that receive digital copies of the magazine, as well as to veterinary team members who subscribe to our Canadian Vet Link e-newsletter.
Conference reports

• Conference reports extend the reach of information presented by recognized experts at your company-sponsored meetings or symposia.
• Our editor will attend your meeting, and compose an informative report to be published in Canadian Vet, on our website, and/or distributed by your sales professionals.
• Sponsorship of the report will affirm your company's commitment to veterinary education and support.
Practitioner's Update

• The Practitioner’s Update special focus journal for veterinarians enables respected experts to share their knowledge on a specific area of animal health by imparting current information on disease management, research and patient wellness strategies
• Sponsorship affirms your company's commitment to veterinary education and support on a specific area of animal health
Vet Link e-newsletter
Sponsor or advertise in Canadian Vet Link, our monthly e-newsletter that links veterinarians and their animal healthcare teams to timely information on new treatment protocols, disease control programs, animal welfare information, news from the Canadian veterinary colleges, etc. For more information please click HERE.
Digital banner advertisements on the e-newsletter can help maintain brand awareness and inform of new product introductions and campaign initiatives.
Sponsorship of the E-newsletter is a cost-effective way to show support of the veterinary industry, by including your company or brand logo on each e-news issue.