“I am so happy to be looking at this article written by Dr. Adronie Verbrugghe in the Canadian Vet magazine because it is a wonderful article!”
Robert Van Delst, DVM. OVMA President, Kitchener, ON
“Advertising in Canadian Vet has been a smashing success! Your magazine has had a tremendous impact on our company’s growth.”
Julie Buzby, DVM, CAVCA, CVA Beaufort, SC
“Your publication is the most useful one that comes across my desk (except the JACVIM).”Lea Stogdale, DVM, DACVIM, Winnipeg, Manitoba
“I love your newsmagazine as it is very useful, succinct and Canadian. I really appreciate the overviews of the conference talks.”
Susan Hetherington, DVM. Delta, British Columbia
“I really like the magazine. It is very well done. Keep up the good work!”
Roy Lewis, DVM. Millarville, AB
Thank you very much for the informative and interesting magazine! Good work.
Christiane Pfaender, DVM. Langley, British Columbia
I have enjoyed reading the summaries of the various conferences and can see how Canadian Vet would be beneficial to practitioners – keep up the good work!
Søren Boysen, DVM, Dipl. ACVECC, Calgary, Alberta
Thanks for sending me your publication, Canadian Vet. I read it from page one to the last and find it very interesting. We need such a venue of what is going on and being discussed at the various meetings of veterinary associations
Clinique Veterinaire Visitation. Joliette, Quebec
The whole magazine is good and topic talks about the problems we see in the clinic. … it is good to keep up with the new developments.
Nasib Randhawa, DVM. Brandon, Manitoba
I am a veterinarian in Toronto specializing in ophthalmology. I really like your Canadian Vet publication.
Joe Wolfer DVM. Toronto, Ontario
I would like to receive the Canadian Vet magazine that I find very helpful for a small animal practitioner.
Dr René Dubuc. St-Isidore, Quebec
I was just given a copy of your magazine…very impressive indeed and how wonderful to have a Canadian perspective.
Anne Behnan, Director - CE Programs, Lifelearn Inc. Guelph, Ontario
I wanted to give you an update following the winter issue. I have received a few requests for additional information on the silent dog whistle and probably 10 other calls/emails on training resources and continuing education options for people interested in training & behaviour. Locally, I am also getting referrals from clinics that I have never visited or established a relationship with! I wanted to express my gratitude to you and Canadian Vet Tech newsmagazine for providing the opportunity for these relationships to form.
Leanne Barker, AHT, CMT, CPDT, CCT. Calgary, Alberta
My Canadian Vet magazine came last week and the clinic profile is exceptional! You have captured what we are about in a concise, intriguing way--thank you!
Barbara Ann Chidiac, DVM. Midland, Ontario
We at OVMA all enjoy Canadian Vet - very much. Keep up the good work.
Angela Cerovic, Manager of Government & External Relations,Ontario Veterinary Medical Association
A very well written article. And by the way, I LOVE Canadian Vet -- absolutely love it! One of my favourites!
Debbie Stoewen, DVM, MSW. Kitchener, Ontario
I just recently launched my business, and was very fortunate that my PR firm managed to get an ad in both Canadian Vet and Canadian Vet Tech magazines already! I must tell you, the response has been very impressive….Again, the response from Canadian vets who have seen the ad in your publications has been amazing.
Lorraine Walston, President/CEO Woodrow Wear. San Jose, California
You have a great magazine. Since we began running small ads for our pet waste disposal system in Canadian Vet, our orders from veterinary clinics across Canada have increased dramatically!"
Esther Strubin, Practica Inc. Cambridge, Ontario